
This Summer come let’s go BOSSIP with Rihanna.

Nice fellas outfit bandana. It look one color of the ray of the sun from far back slim light………then this summer gonna make the shape of a more colorful. Looking like we’re going to have some kinda of channel perfume of summer. I must have a new stock of wearable and “jetable” loving the trends.



Ciao a tutti!!! Questo articolo doveva arrivare qualche tempo fa quando tutti eravamo presi dalle pulizie pasquali… perchè??? beh così potevate rovistare in soffitta o in cantina per cercare un’oggetto fashion… a cosa mi riferisco???!!! LA BANDANA!!!! Eh sì avete capito bene, quest’estate nessun outfit senza bandana!!!In testa,al collo,legata a un braccio,come cintura o in pendant col vostro look, si può usare davvero per tutto…. guardate cosa ho creato l’altro giorno!! Cosa ne dite?? Qual’è il vostro colore preferito?E come avete intenzione di abbinarla???
Hello everybody!!! This article was supposed to arrive some time ago when we were all taken by the Easter maid … why?? well so you could rummage through the attic or cellar to look for a fashion object … what am I talking about??! THE BANDANA!! Ah yes you got it right, this summer no outfits without bandana! On the head, neck, tied to arm…

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